Sr.No. Title Petitions No Petitioner In Matter Of Date Of Hearing Record of Proceeding Download
1 Petition No. 110/2013 : Petition for seeking determination of Preferential Tariff under Net Metering for Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic Power Projects of CREST and for sale of such power to the Electricity Department of UT Chandigarh under section 61, 62, 86 and 181 of the Electricity Act, 2003 and as per Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for State of Goa & Union Territories (Procurement of Renewable Energy) Regulations 2010. Petition No. 110/2013 Electricity Department of UT Chandigarh under section 61, 62, 86 and 181 of the Electricity Act, 2003 he O & M cost has been estimated as follows: Cost of O & M from 11th to 15th year @ 2% of project cost per annum, Cost of O & M from 16th to 20th yea 08/29/2013