Ombudsman Details

About JERC Electricity Ombudsman

The Electricity Act under sub-section (5) of section 42 provides for the establishment of a Forum for the Redressal of Grievances of Consumers in accordance with the Guidelines as may be specified by the concerned Electricity Regulatory Commission. Further, sub-section (6) of Section 42 of the Act, provides for the establishment of an authority to be known as an Ombudsman. Any consumer who is aggrieved by non-redressal of his grievances under the sub-section (5) can make a representation to the Ombudsman, for redressal of his grievances. The Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for the state of Goa and UTs notified the regulation called as the JERC (Establishment of Forum for Redressal of Grievances of Consumers) Regulation, 2009 and JERC (Appointment and Function of Ombudsman) Regulation 2009, stipulating the guidelines for the establishment of these bodies and providing the framework for regulating the procedures to be followed in the redressal of consumers' grievances by the Consumer Grievances redressal forum and the Electricity Ombudsman Regulations on Standard of Performance (SoP) have also been notified by JERC which incorporate a mechanism for monitoring the performances standards by the licensee utilities. The Grievances of the Consumers as defined in the Regulations means a cause of complaint which means an application made by the consumer before the Forum seeking redressal with regard to the supply of electricity by the licensee. (Any Grievances arising out of application under Sections 126,127,135 to 139,142,143, 149,152and 161 of the Act, any matter pending before, or decided by any court of Law, or authority (except and authority under the control of the licensee) or the Forum; and any complaint in regard to recovery of arrears where the billed amount is not disputed are however, not considered as the complaint). The Complainant, as per the regulations includes a consumer; a registered consumer society and any unregistered association of consumers having similar interests. In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (6) of section 42 of the Electricity Act, 2003 (36 of 2003) and Regulations thereon, The Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for the state of Goa and UT has appointed the Electricity Ombudsman for the State of Goa and UT’s.

Power and Duties of the Electricity Ombudsman

To receive and consider all representations filed by the complainants for alleged non-redressal of any grievances by the Forum (except on matters which are the subject matter of existing or disposed-off proceedings before any court, the Commission or any other authority (Other than the Forum) including under parts X, XI, XII, XIV and XV of the Act and facilitate their settlement through conciliation and mediation between the distribution licensee and the consumer by passing an order in accordance with the relevant Regulation of JERC.

Jurisdiction of the Electricity Ombudsman

The Territories Jurisdiction of the Electricity Ombudsman extend to the whole State of Goa and UTs of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Chandigarh, Dadar Nagar Haveli & Daman & Diu. Lakshadweep and Puducherry. Shri C.M. Sharma is currently functioning as electricity Ombudsman for JERC for the State of Goa and UTs. The office is located at:

Office of the Electricity Ombudsman

(For the State of Goa and Union Territories)
Under section 42 (6) of the Electricity Act, 2003
Plot No- 55-56, 3rd Floor, Udyog Vihar Phase IV, Sector-18, Gurugram (Haryana) 122015
Phone No-: 0124 – 4684709
Email ID:

Procedure for Submitting Representation/ Appeal to Electricity Ombudsman

  • Representation to the Electricity Ombudsman has to be submitted in the FORM annexed.
  • In addition, the representation should contain the following documents:

    • Statements of Fact or Narration of the case
    • A copy of the Petition submitted to CGRF with all documents
    • Copy of the Order of the CGRF

  • The Relief sought should be clear and specific. The address should be clear and complete with a PIN code. It is advisable to furnish the Phone Numbers of the Complainant.
  • The Declaration given in the form is also to be signed.
  • The nature of the relief sought should be clearly stated. Copies of all the relevant documents should be attached.
  • The Appeal Representation can be directly submitted to the Office of Electricity Ombudsman at Gurgaon by post/ Through email.
  • The Representation to the Ombudsman shall be considered only if the Petitioner has submitted a complaint to the CGRF and the remedy has been exhausted.
  • The Appeal shall not be admitted unless the petitioner is aggrieved on account of his complaint not being redressed by the CGRF within the period and manner specified in the Regulations.
  • The Appeal against an order of the CGRF shall be made within 30 days from the date of the receipt of the decision of the Forum or within 30 days from the date of expiry of the period (45 days) within which Forum was required to take decision and communicate to the complainant, as specified in the Regulations.
  • The Appeal shall not be in respect of the same subject matter that has been settled by the Ombudsman in any previous proceedings.
  • The Representation shall not be admitted if the same grievances by the complainant are pending in any proceedings before any court, tribunal arbitrator or any other authority, or a decree award or final order has been passed by any such court, tribunal arbitrator or authority.
  • On receipt and admission of the Representation, the Ombudsman shall call for remarks/counter-statement of the Licensee on the matter. The Licensee shall furnish para-wise comments on the grievances within the period as may be specified by the Ombudsman, failing which the Ombudsman may proceed on the basis of the material available on record.
  • The endeavour of the Ombudsman, in the first instance, shall be to promote a settlement of the complaint by mutual agreement between the complainant and the licensee through conciliation or mediation in accordance with the procedure laid down in para 7 of the relevant Regulation.
  • If the representation is not settled by agreement within 30 days from the date of receipt of the representation or such extended period the Ombudsman may deem fit considering the overall time period specified under the relevant Regulations, the Ombudsman may conduct a hearing on the matter and shall notify in writing the parties on the date and the time of the hearing, giving sufficient advance notice.
  • The consumer does not need to engage Advocates to argue the case. They themselves can appear or nominate any person to present the case. If anybody is engaged in presenting the case, the Nomination form should be filled up and submitted as contained in the Forum for filling the representation to the Ombudsman.
  • Where the representation is not settled by agreement (through mediation or conciliation) the Ombudsman shall pass a speaking order with detailed reasoning that he thinks fair under the facts and circumstances of the representation.
  • The order shall be in writing and shall state the full details of the award to the complainant and licensee. a copy of the award shall be sent to the complaint and the licensee named in the representation.
  • The distribution licensee shall comply with the Orders of the Ombudsman and shall intimate the compliance to the Ombudsman. Non-compliance shall constitute a violation of the relevant regulations of JERC and may attract remedial action under sections 142 and 146 read with section 149 of the Electricity Act, 2003.
  • Form of Application for filling representation/ appeal to the Electricity Ombudsman is also attached.