Andaman And Nicobar

Sr.No. In Matter Of Petitions No Date Of Order Download
1 Petition for approval of Purchase of power through DG Sets to deliver 10 MW power continuously to the 33 KV Grid of Electricity Department at Chatham Power House Complex- Regarding. Under section 86(1)(b) of the Electricity act, 2003. 128/2025 01/21/2025
2 Petition for approval of purchase of power through DG Sets to the Indoor Bus of Swaraj Dweep with 2MW Power House during evening peak hours (05.00PM to 10.00PM) and average 900 KW during Non-peak hours for a period of three year- Regarding 129/2025 01/21/2025
3 Petition for approval of "Power Sale Agreement for Purchase of power through DG Sets to deliver 05 MW power continuously to the 33 KV grid of Electricity Department at Sri Vijaya Puram" between Electricity Department, A&N Administration, vidyut Bhawan, Sri Vijaya Puram-744101 under Section 86(1) (b) of the Electricity Act, 2003. 130/2025 01/21/2025
4 Petition for approval of "Power Sale Agreement for Purchase of power through DG Sets to deliver 10 MW power continuously to the 33 KV grid of Electricity Department at Port Blair" between Electricity Department, A&N Administration Vidyut Bhawan, Sri Vijaya Puram- 744101. 131/2025 01/21/2025
5 Petition for approval of agreement for "Purchase of Power through DG Sets AT Bambooflat, South Andaman- Supply of power on round the clock basis to the two 33 KV Distribution Feeders at Bambooflat having an average day & night load to the tune of 4 MW and average evening Peak Load of 4.5 MW (05.00PM to 10.00PM) with a targeted monthly generation of 2.5 Million Unit per month for a period of three years." 132/2025 01/21/2025
6 Petition for approval of agreement for "Purchase of power through DG Sets at Ograbranj Village of South Andaman District on round the clock basis to supply power to the 33 KV Rural Feeders having an average day & night load to the tune of 4 MW and average evening peak load of 4.5MW (05.00PM to 10.00PM) with a targeted monthly generation of 2.5 Million Unit per month for a period of three years". 133/2025 01/21/2025
7 Request for expediting the fixing up of Tariff of a proposed 2X10 MW biomass power project proposed to be developed by the petitioner and signing of Power Purchase agreement, in Andaman and Nicobar Islands. O.P. (SR) No. 3 of 2009 11/16/2023
8 Petition No. 106/ 2023:Petition for approval of agreement for “Purchase of power through DG Sets to deliver 10 MW power continuously to the 33 KV Grid / Bus-Bar of Phoenix Bay Power House of Electricity Department with minimum guaranteed unit deliver of 5.95 MU per month for a period of 3 (three) years or till commissioning of 50 MW LNG Power Plant at Port Blair, whichever is earlier” Petition No.106/2023 09/21/2023
9 Order Petition No. 100/2023: Petition for approval of agreement for "Purchase of Power through DG Sets to deliver 5MW power continuously to the 33KV Grid of the Electricity Department at Chatham/Phoenix Bay Power House Complex with minimum guaranteed unit delivery of 2.92 MUs per month for a period of three years or till commissioning of 50 MW LNG Power Plant, whichever is earlier" between the Electricity Department, A&N Administration Petition No.100/2023 06/02/2023
10 ORDER Petition No. 101/2023: Petition for approval of agreement for “Purchase of Power through DG Sets to deliver 10 MW power continuously to the 33 KV Grid of Electricity Department at Bambooflat with minimum guaranteed unit delivery of 5.84 MU per month for a period of three years or till commissioning of 50 MW LNG Power Plant, whichever is earlier” between Electricity Department, Andaman & Nicobar Administration Petition No.101/2023 05/17/2023
11 Order Petition No. 87/2022:Petition for approval of agreement for purchase of Power through DG Sets to deliver 5 MW power continuously to the 33kv Grid to Electricity Department at Bambooflat with minimum guaranteed unit delivery of 2.92 MU per month for a period of three years or till commissioning of 50 MW LNG Power Plant, whichever is earlier, between Electricity Department, Andaman and Nicobar Administration Petition NO.87/2022 12/20/2022
12 Petition No. 86/2022 Petition for approval of agreement for Purchase of Power through DG Sets to deliver Power on round the clock basis to the 33kV Transmission and Distribution System at Mayabunder having evening Peak Load of 1.6 MW (05:00 PM to 10:00 PM) and Average Day and Night Load to the tune of 1.2 MW with guaranteed generation of 5.2 lakh units per month for a period of three years, between Electricity Department, Andaman and Nicobar Administration petition No.86/2022 12/20/2022
13 Order Petition No. 55/2021:Petition for the Commission’s approval of the Power Purchase Agreement for hiring DG Sets to provide power on round the clock basis to 4 isolated locations Petition No : 55 /2021 01/11/2022
14 Petition No. : 56 /2021 Date of Hearing :11.01.2022 Date of Order : 19.05.2022 Petition No : 56 /2021 01/11/2022
15 Petition No. 57/2021:The Petition for approval of agreement for “Supply of Power Purchase through DG Set to deliver 1 MW Power on round the clock basis to the 11 KV indoor bus for Swaraj Dweep for a period of three year” from M/S Express Gensets Consortium Pvt. Ltd. under section 86(1) (b) of the Electricity Act, 2003. Petition No: 57/2021 01/11/2022
16 Petition No. 54/2021 Petition under Section 86 (1)(b) and 86(1)(e) of the Electricity Act, 2003 for redetermination/revision of tariff of Grid connected Roof-top Solar PV Projects in Andaman and Nicobar Islands consequent to the revision of the Central Financial Assistance from Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Govt. of India petition No.54/2021 08/31/2021
17 Petition under section 74 of the joint electricity regulatory commission (conduct of business) regulation, 2009 read with section 94 (1) _({f), electricity act, 2003 seeking review of the order passed in petition no. 30 of 2020 dated 02/12/2020 and petition no, 31 of 2020 dated 02/12/2020. Petition No : 50/2021 08/02/2021
18 Interim Order Petition No. 50/2021 Review Petition in the order passed by Hon’ble Commission in respect of petition no. 30 of 2020 dated 02/12/2020 and petition no. 31 of 2020 dated 02/12/2020, under section 74 of the JOINT ELECTRICITY REGULATORY COMMISSION (conduct of business) regulation, 2009 read with section 94 (1) (f), Electricity act, 2003. Petition No.- 50/2021 07/22/2021
19 Order Petition No. 47/2021 - Petition for approval of agreement for “Purchase of Power at Baratang - Supply of round the clock Electric Power through containerized DG Sets at Baratang in the existing 33 KVT&D system having existing Average evening Peak load of 800 KW and Average day & night load to the tune of 600 KW”. Petition No. 47/2021 06/08/2021
20 Order Petition No. 48/2021 -Petition of approval of agreement for “Purchase of Power at Mayabunder - Supply of round the clock Electric Power through containerized DG Sets at Panighat (Mayabunder) in the existing 33 KV T&D system having existing Average evening Peak load of 1.6 MW (05.00 PM to 10.00 PM) Average day & night load to the tune of 1.2 MW Petition No. 48/2021 06/08/2021
21 Petition No. 234/2017 :Petition for approval of agreement for “ Procurement of Power by hiring DG Sets with 11 KV Generation voltage, to supply electric power round the clock to the Grid of existing Power House ( average evening peak load of 2.2 MW and average day & night load of 1.5 MW) of Electricity Department, at Havelock Islands,” Petition No: 234/2017 06/01/2017
22 Petition No. 234/2017 :Petition for approval of agreement for “ Procurement of Power by hiring DG Sets with 11 KV Generation voltage, to supply electric power round the clock to the Grid of existing Power House ( average evening peak load of 2.2 MW and average day & night load of 1.5 MW) of Electricity Department, at Havelock Islands,” Petition No: 234/217 06/01/2017
23 Petition No. 213,214 and 215/2016 : Determination of tariff for Procurement of Power by Distribution Company/Licensees from Biomass based Power Generating Company in the UT of A&N Islands using the Gasification route (Otto Cycle). 1.Mithakhari Industrial Area, Port Blair, Sourth Andaman District. Petition NO: 213/2016 05/23/2017
24 Petition No. 235/2017 :Petition for approval of agreement for “ Procurement of Power by Hiring of 2 x 750 KVA DG Sets to deliver 500 KW Electric Power round the clock to the Grid / LT Bus of existing Power house of Electricity Department at Neil Islands” between Electricity Department, A&N Administration, Vidyut Bhawan, Port Blair- 744 101 Petition No: 235/2017 05/23/2017
25 Petition No. 175/2015 : Petition under Non-Compliance of Solar RPO specified under Regulation 1 -Quantum of Renewable Purchase Obligation -RPO- of JERC (Procurement of Renewable Energy) Regulations, 2010 by Obligated Entities for FY 2010-11 and 2014-15 and in the matter of application under Section 142 of the EA 2003 and Section 146 of the EA 2003, and Regulation 4 of the JERC (Procurement of Renewable Energy ) Regulations, 2010 and subsequent amendment called JERC for Goa & UTs (Procurement of Renewable Energy ) First Amendment Regulations, 2014 Petition No. 175/2015 07/26/2016
26 Petition No. 175/2015 : Petition under Non-Compliance of Solar RPO specified under Regulation 1 -Quantum of Renewable Purchase Obligation -RPO- of JERC (Procurement of Renewable Energy) Regulations, 2010 by Obligated Entities for FY 2010-11 and 2014-15 and in the matter of application under Section 142 of the EA 2003 and Section 146 of the EA 2003, and Regulation 4 of the JERC (Procurement of Renewable Energy ) Regulations, 2010 and subsequent amendment called JERC for Goa & UTs (Procurement of Renewable Energy ) first amendment Regulations, 2014 And in the matter of Petition No: 175/2015 08/27/2015
27 Petition No. 78/2012 : Operationalisation of Open Access in power sector as per JERC Regulations Petition No. 78/2012 12/18/2012
28 Petition No. 68/2012 : Petition for seeking approval of Application & Agreement Form (A&A) for LT/HT connections. Petition No. 68/2012 12/18/2012
29 Petition No. 89/2012 : Petition for approval of complete/ actual capital cost of the project and Tariff of the Petitioner- a Power Generating Company - under Regulation 3(2) (a), 3(4),12 and 36 of the JERC for the State of Goa & UTs ( Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff) Regulations, 2009 Read with Sections 62(1) (a) and 63 of the Electricity Act, 200 Petition No. 89/2012 12/17/2012
30 Petition No. 68/2012 : Petition for seeking approval of Application & Agreement Form (A&A) for LT/HT connections. Petition No. 68/2012 11/06/2012
31 Petition No. 68/2012 : Petition for seeking approval of Application & Agreement Form (A&A) for LT/HT connections. Petition No. 68/2012 11/05/2012
32 Petition No. 78/2012 : Operationalisation of Open Access in power sector as per JERC Regulations. Petition No. 78/2012 09/28/2012
33 Petition No. 61/2012 : Compliance of Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for the State of Goa and UTs (Procurement of Renewable Energy) Regulation 2010 regarding Renewable Purchase Obligation (RPO). Petition No. 61/2012 07/31/2012
34 Petition No. 78/2012 : Operationalisation of Open Access in power sector as per JERC Regulations Petition No. 78/2012 07/17/2012
35 Filling of Aggregate Revenue Requirement and Tariff Petition for the FY 2012-13. petition no.65/2012 02/28/2012
36 Petition No. 61/2012: Renewable Purchase Obligation (RPO) Non-Compliance of Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for the State of Goa & UTs (Procurement of Renewable Energy), Regulation 2010. Petition No. 61/2012 01/25/2012
37 Petition No. 65/2012: Filing of Aggregate Revenue Requirement for Tariff Petition for the FY 2012-13. Petition No. 65/2012 01/23/2012
38 Petition No. 11/2010: Establishment of Consumer Grievances Redressal Forums Compliance of Order dated 9.10.2009 of the Hon'ble Appellate Tribunal for Electricity. Petition No. 11/2010: 11/11/2011
39 Petition No. 22/2010:Filing of the Tariff Petition for the FY 2011 - 12 Compliance of JERC for the State of Goa and UTs (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff) Regulations, 2009. Petition No. 22/2010 03/10/2011
40 Request for expediting the fixing up of Tariff of a proposed 2X10 MW biomass power project proposed to be developed by the petitioner and signing of Power Purchase agreement, in Andaman and Nicobar Islands. O.P. (SR) No. 3 of 2009 09/03/2009