Right To Information

The particulars of the organization, its functions etc are already available on the website of JERC, www.jercuts.gov.in at Sub Head “About Us” and “Regulations” JERC (Conduct of Business Regulations )2009.

The powers and duties of officers of the JERC are given in the JERC (Conduct of Business Regulations )2009 available on website of JERC

These are given in the JERC (Conduct of Business Regulations )2009 & JERC Recruitment, Control and Service Conditions of Officers and Staff Regulations 2009 available on website of the Commission. Annual Report for Organizational Char

These are given in the JERC (Conduct of Business Regulations )2009 & JERC Recruitment, Control and Service Conditions of Officers and Staff Regulations 2009 available on website of the Commission.

The information like Rules, Regulation are available on the website as well as internal library of the Commission for being used by the employees

  • The Regulations are published as per the provision of Section 181(3)of EA, 2003 after previous publication
  • The Consumer Associations and other participation is permitted under Regulation 8.29,30,45, and 61 of the JERC(Conduct of Business)Regulation, 2009;
  • Proceedings before the Commission are open to the public as per Regulation 76 of the JERC(Conduct of Business)Regulation, 2009

State Advisory Committee is constituted under the JERC (State Advisory Committee) Regulation,2009 The Advisory Committee has representation from the public but it is not open for general public. Minutes are uploaded on the website. SAC & Distribution Code / Supply code panel

The Annual Report of the JERC for the year 2011-12 has been made available on the website of JERC

Does not pertain to JERC


All the information which has been reduced in an electronic form is available on the website of JERC, www.jercuts.gov.in

No. the information is available for public use only on website of the JERC