Dadra And Nagar Haveli

Sr.No. In Matter Of Petitions No Date Of Order Download
1 Order Petition No. 109/2023: Petition under Section 27 of the Energy Conservation Act, 2001 for adjudication of the penalty under Section 26 of the Energy Conservation Act, 2001 by the Adjudicating Officer and for directions to Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. to make payment of penalty as adjudicated by the Adjudicating Officer. Petition No. Petition No. 109/2023 20-09-2024
2 Interim Order Petition No. 121/2024: Miscellaneous petition in compliance to the Hon'ble Commission's order dated 01.08.2023 in Petition No. 89/2022 for Review of ARR of FY 2022-23 based on the revised estimates and determination of ARR and Tariff for FY 2023-24 for the distribution business of Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu. Petition No. 121/2024 23-08-2024
3 Miscellaneous application Petition in compliance to Hon’ble Commission order dated 1st August, 2023 in Case No. 89/2022 for Review of ARR of ARR of FY 2022- 23 based on revised estimates and determination of ARR & Tariff for FY 2023-24 for the Distribution Business of Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu Petition No. 120/2024 22-05-2024
4 Miscellaneous Petition in Compliance to the Hon'ble Commission Order dated 01.08.2023 in Petition No.89/2022 for Review of ARR of FY 2022-23 based On the Revised estimates and determination Of ARR and Tariff for FY 2023-24 for the distribution Business of Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Daman Diuf Petition No. 121/2024 24-04-2024
5 INTERIM ORDER Petition No. 77/2012 Status of Consumer Metering and billing as per Regulation 8 of the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission (for the State of Goa & Union Territories) (Electricity Supply Code) Regulation, 2018 and as amended from time to time. Petition No. 77/2012 21-11-2023
6 INTERIM ORDER Petition No. 61/2012: Compliane of the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission (for the State of Goa & Union Territories) (Procurement of Renewable Energy) Regulations, 2010 regarding Renewable Purchase Obligation (RPO) and as amended from time to time. Petition No. 61/2012 21-11-2023
7 Compliane of the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission (for the State of Goa & Union Territories) (Procurement of Renewable Energy) Regulations, 2010 regarding Renewable Purchase Obligation (RPO) and as amended from time to time. Petition No. 61/2012 14-11-2023
8 INTERIM ORDER Petition No. 108/2023: Review Petition under Regulation 74 (B) of JERC (Conduct of Business) Regulation, 2009 as amended vide JERC (Conduct of Business) (Fourth Amendment Regulation, 2015, w.e.f. 11.02.2015 read with Section 94 (1) (f) of the Electricity Act, 2003 for reviewing the Tariff Order dated 01.08.2023 passed by this Hon'ble Commission in Petition No. 89 of 2022. Petition No. 108/2023 26-10-2023
9 Order Petition No. 98/2023: Miscellaneous Petition under Clause 3.1.1 (b) and Clause 19 of the Guidelines for Tariff Based Competitive Bidding Process for Procurement of Round-The -Clock Power from Grid Connected Renewable Energy Power Projects, complemented with Power from any other source or storage notified by Ministry of Power on 22nd July 2020, as amended from time to time for approval of deviations from the said Guideline Petition No. 98/2023 08-02-2023
10 Application for the filing of Petition under Section 61,62 and 64 of the Electricity Act, 2003 read with all the multiple Regulations, under JERC (Generation, Transmission and Distribution Multi Year Tariff) Regulations, 2021 for Business Plan for MYT Control Period (FY 2022-23 to FY 2024-25). Petition No. 90/2022 13-01-2023
11 Order Petition No. 89/2022 & 90/2022: Application for the filing of Petition under Section 61, 62 and 64 of the Electricity Act, 2003 read with all the applicable Regulations, under JERC (Generation, Transmission and Distribution Multi Year Tariff) Regulations, 2021 for Determination of ARR for MYT Control Period (FY 2022-23 to FY 2024-25) and Ditermination of Tariff for FY 2023-24 for the Distribution business of Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu. Petition No. 89/2022 & 90/2022 12-01-2023
12 GENERAL ORDER Petition No. GENERAL ORDER 01-08-2022
13 Order Petition No. 28/2019: Power Sale Agreement (PSA) for Sale of 50 MW Wind Power on Long Term Basis. Petition No. 28/2019 18-06-2020
14 Power Sale Agreement (PSA) for Sale of 50MW Wind on Long Term basis. Petition No. 28/2019 02-09-2019
15 order Petition No. 275/2019 : Petition under section 74 of JERC (Conduct of Business) Regulation 2009 seeking review of the order dated 20th May 2019 of the Commission for approval of True-up of FY 2017-18, Annual Performance Review of FY 2018-19, ARR for 2nd MYT Control Period (FY 2019-20 to FY 2021-22) and Determination of Retail Tariff for FY 2019-20 Petition No. 275/2019 19-08-2019
16 Petition No. 256/2018 : Petition under Section 74 of JERC (Conduct of Business) Regulations, 2009 seeking review of the Order dated 30th January 2018 of the Commission for approval of True-up of FY 2016-17, Annual Performance Review of FY 2017-18 and Aggregate Revenue Requirements (ARR) and Tariff proposal for the FY 2018-19. Petition No. 256/2018 29-05-2018
17 Petition No.256/2018: Application as per Section 74 of JERC (Conduct of Business) Regulations, 2009 for Review of Tariff Order of the Commission in DNHPDCL ARR Petition No. 247/2017 in the matter of Determination of Tariff for FY 2018-19, Annual Performance Review of FY 2017-18 and True-up Petition 240/2017 of FY 2016-17 Petition No. 256/2018 03-05-2018
18 Petition no. 237/2017 : Petition under Section 94 (1) (f) of the Electricity Act, 2003 seeking review of the orer dated 09.06.2017 of the Commission, Truing up the financials for the year 2015-16, conducting Annual Performance Review for 2016-17 and approving the Annual Revenue Requirements and Tariff for 2017-18. Petition No. 237/2017 27-07-2017
19 Petition No. 237/2017 : Petition under Section 94 (1) (f) of the EA, 2003 seeking review of the order dated 9.6.2017 of the Hon'ble Commission, Truing up the financial for the year 2015-16, conducting Annual Performance Review for 2016-17 and approving the ARR and Tariff for 2017-18. Petition No. 237/2017 27-07-2017
20 Petition no. 230/2017 Application for directions that the action of the Respondent in charging the members of the Petitioner with fuel and Power Purchase Cost Adjustment in lieu of Additional Open Access Surcharge is against the FJPPCA formula as notified by the Commission Petition No. 230/2017 22-02-2017
21 Petition No. 217/2016 .Application for Recall of the Order of the Commission dated 26.07.2016 in the matter of filing of ARR for MYT Determination for the Control Period FY 2015-16 to FY 2017-18 under Section 61, 62 and 64 of the EA, 2003 Petition No. 217/2016 25-10-2016
22 petition No. 218/2016 :Review Petition under Section 94 (1) (f) of the Electricity Act, 2003 in the matter of True up of Annual Revenue Requirement for the year 2014-15, Reviewing the Annual Revenue Requirement for the year 2015-16 and approval of the Annual Revenue Requirement for the MYT Control Period FY 2016-17 to FY 2018-19 and Determination of tariff for the year 2016-17. Petition No. 218/2016 04-10-2016
23 Petition No. 205/2016, Petition for seeking approval of Hon’ble JERC for determination of additional surcharge payable by Open Access Consumers availing power under Open Access as per JERC (Open Access in Transmission and Distribution) Regulations, 2009 Petition No. 205/2016 08-09-2016
24 Petition No. 202/2016, Application for direction to be issued on the Respondent to treat certain assets as part of the Transmission asset and to be taken out of the assets of DNHPDCL. Petition No. 202/2016 26-07-2016
25 Petition No. 205/2016, Petition for seeking approval of Hon’ble JERC for determination of additional surcharge payable by Open Access Consumers availing power under Open Access as per JERC (Open Access in Transmission and Distribution) Regulations, 2009 Petition No. 205/2016 26-07-2016
26 Petition No. 202/2016, Application for direction to be issued on the Respondent to treat certain assets as part of the Transmission asset and to be taken out of the assets of DNHPDCL Petition No. 202/2016 14-07-2016
27 Petition No.: Application for direction to be issued on the Respondent to treat certain assets as part of the Transmission assets and to be taken out of the assets of DNHPDCL Petition No. 202/2016 12-05-2016
28 Petition No. 175/2015 : Petition under Non-Compliance of Solar RPO specified under Regulation 1 -Quantum of Renewable Purchase Obligation -RPO- of JERC (Procurement of Renewable Energy) Regulations, 2010 by Obligated Entities for FY 2010-11 and 2014-15 and in the matter of application under Section 142 of the EA 2003 and Section 146 of the EA 2003, and Regulation 4 of the JERC (Procurement of Renewable Energy ) Regulations, 2010 and subsequent amendment called JERC for Goa & UTs (Procurement of Renewable Energy ) first amendment Regulations, 2014 Petition No. 175/2015 15-04-2016
29 Petition No. 189/ 2015 : Application for the direction that the action of the respondent revising the Fuel and Power Purchase Cost Adjustment is against the FPPCA formula notified by the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission in petition No. 79 of 2012 Petition No. 189/2015 10-03-2016
30 Petition No. 188/ 2015 : Application for Condonation of delay in respect of Review Petition under Regulation 74 of Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for the State of Goa & UTs (Conduct of Business) Regulations, 2009 seeking review of the Tariff Order dated 30.03.2015 on Transmission Tariff of ED, DNH for FY 2015-16. Petition No. 188/215 09-12-2015
31 Petition No. 176/2015 : True-up Annual Revenue Requirement for the year 2013-14, Reviewing Revenue Requirements for the year 2014-15 and approval of Annual Revenue Requirements and determination of the year 2015-16 Petition No. 176/2015 20-10-2015
32 Petition No. 176/2015 : True-up Annual Revenue Requirement for the year 2013-14, Reviewing Revenue Requirements for the year 2014-15 and approval of Annual Revenue Requirements and determination of the year 2015-1 Petition No. 176/2015 01-09-2015
33 Petition No. 178/2015 :Petition for approval of the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for the State of Goa and Union Territories for implementation of Domestic Efficient Lighting Programme (DELP) for LED Bulbs in the area of UT of Dadra & Nagar Haveli under Demand Side Management Programme Petition No. 178/2015 01-09-2015
34 Petition No. 175/2015 : Petition under Non-Compliance of Solar RPO specified under Regulation 1 -Quantum of Renewable Purchase Obligation -RPO- of JERC (Procurement of Renewable Energy) Regulations, 2010 by Obligated Entities for FY 2010-11 and 2014-15 and in the matter of application under Section 142 of the EA 2003 and Section 146 of the EA 2003, and Regulation 4 of the JERC (Procurement of Renewable Energy ) Regulations, 2010 and subsequent amendment called JERC for Goa & UTs (Procurement of Renewable Energy ) first amendment Regulations, 2014 Petition No. 175/2015 05-05-2015
35 Petition No. 89/2012 : Petition for approval of complete/ actual capital cost of the project and Tariff of the Petitioner- a Power Generating Company - under Regulation 3(2) (a), 3(4),12 and 36 of the JERC for the State of Goa & UTs ( Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff) Regulations, 2009 Read with Sections 62(1) (a) and 63 of the Electricity Act, 2003 Petition No. 89/2015 16-03-2015
36 Petition No. 61/2012 : Compliance of Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for the State of Goa and UTs (Procurement of Renewable Energy) Regulation 2010 regarding Renewable Purchase Obligation (RPO). Petition No. 61/2012 12-11-2014
37 Petition No. 138/ 2014 :Petition for approval of the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for the State of Goa and Union Territories in respect of approval of RFP documents for procurement of Renewable Energy Power of 145 MUs on yearly basis by the Dadra & Nagar Haveli Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. as per the Case -I Renewable Energy bidding guidelines for Tariff Based Competitive Bidding Process for Grid Connected Power Projects Based on Renewable Energy Sources issued by the Govt. of India Petition No. petition no.138/2014 15-08-2014
38 Petition No. 138/ 2014 :Petition for approval of the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for the State of Goa and Union Territories in respect of approval of RFP documents for procurement of Renewable Energy Power of 145 MUs on yearly basis by the Dadra & Nagar Haveli Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. as per the Case -I Renewable Energy bidding guidelines for Tariff Based Competitive Bidding Process for Grid Connected Power Projects Based on Renewable Energy Sources issued by the Govt. of India. Petition No. 142/2014 28-07-2014
39 Petition No. 138/ 2014 :Petition for approval of the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for the State of Goa and Union Territories in respect of approval of RFP documents for procurement of Renewable Energy Power of 145 MUs on yearly basis by the Dadra & Nagar Haveli Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. as per the Case -I Renewable Energy bidding guidelines for Tariff Based Competitive Bidding Process for Grid Connected Power Projects Based on Renewable Energy Sources issued by the Govt. of India. Petition No. 138/ 2014 14-07-2014
40 Petition No. 131/2014 : Notification dated 6th November, 2013 of Administrator of Daman & Diu and Dadra & Nagar Haveli, illegal construction attempted on land of applicant and order dated 27.03.2014 passed by the District Magistrate of Dadra & Nagar Haveli. Petition No. Petition No. 131/2014 21-05-2014
41 Petition No. 76/2012 : Loss Reduction Programme as per Regulation 15 of JERC for the State of Goa and UTs (terms and Conditions for determination of tariff Regulations, 2009 Petition No. 76/2012 05-05-2014
42 Petition No. 76/2012 : Loss Reduction Programme as per Regulation 15 of JERC for the State of Goa and UTs (terms and Conditions for determination of tariff Regulations, 2009 Petition No. 76/2012 06-01-2014
43 Petition No. 11/2011 : Establishment of Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum. Petition No. 11/2011 29-10-2013
44 Petition No. 76/2012 : Loss reduction programme Petition No. 76/2012 25-10-2013
45 Petition No. 81/2012 : Petition U/s. 86 read with Sec. 61(d) of the Electricity Act, 2003, praying for use of inherent powers by the Commission under Regulation 11.7 of the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission (Electricity Supply Code) Regulations 2010 and review U/s 94 of the Electricity Act, 2003 for reviewing tariff order for FY 2011-12 and to permit LT, HT and EHT consumers to continue to avail connection on the basis of Bank Guarantee as security deposit instead of submitting draft as security deposit prescribed under regulation 6.10 of the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission (Electricity Supply Code) Regulations 2010. Petition No. 81/2012 13-08-2013
46 Petition No. 68/2012 : Petition for seeking approval of Application & Agreement Form (A&A) for LT/HT connections. Petition No. 68/2012 05-08-2013
47 Petition No. 67/2012 : Review Petition of orders of the Commission dated 19.10.2011 and 12.12.2011 in petition no. 37/2011 for intimation regarding release of power more than 25000 KVA on 66 KV system to M/s Alok Industries Sayali. Petition No. 67/2012 22-07-2013
48 Petition No. 37/2011 : Intimation regarding release of power more than 25000 KVA on 66 KV system to M/s Alok Industries Sayali Petition No. 37/2011 22-07-2013
49 Petition No. 76/2012 : Loss reduction programme. Petition No. 76/2012 10-07-2013
50 Petition No. 78/2012 : Operationalisation of Open Access in power sector as per JERC Regulations. Petition No. 78/2012 08-07-2013
51 Petition No. 67/2012 : Review Petition of orders of the Commission dated 19.10.2011 and 12.12.2011 in petition no. 37/2011 for intimation regarding release of power more than 25000 KVA on 66 KV system to M/s Alok Industries Sayali. Petition No. 67/2012 03-07-2013
52 Petition No. 37/2011 : Intimation regarding release of power more than 25000 KVA on 66 KV system to M/s Alok Industries Sayal Petition No. 37/2011 03-07-2013
53 Petition No. 81/2012 : Petition U/s. 86 read with Sec. 61(d) of the Electricity Act, 2003, praying for use of inherent powers by the Commission under Regulation 11.7 of the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission (Electricity Supply Code) Regulations 2010 and review U/s 94 of the Electricity Act, 2003 for reviewing tariff order for FY 2011-12 and to permit LT, HT and EHT consumers to continue to avail connection on the basis of Bank Guarantee as security deposit instead of submitting draft as security deposit prescribed under regulation 6.10 of the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission (Electricity Supply Code) Regulations 2010. Petition No. 81/2012 03-07-2013
54 Petition No. 68/2012 : Petition for seeking approval of Application & Agreement Form (A&A) for LT/HT connections. Petition No. 68/2012 14-06-2013
55 Petition No. 81/2012 : Petition U/s. 86 read with Sec. 61(d) of the Electricity Act, 2003, praying for use of inherent powers by the Commission under Regulation 11.7 of the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission (Electricity Supply Code) Regulations 2010 and review U/s 94 of the Electricity Act, 2003 for reviewing tariff order for FY 2011-12 and to permit LT, HT and EHT consumers to continue to avail connection on the basis of Bank Guarantee as security deposit instead of submitting draft as security deposit prescribed under regulation 6.10 of the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission (Electricity Supply Code) Regulations 2010. Petition No. 81/2012 31-05-2013
56 Petition No. 77/2012 : Consumer metering, reading and billing category wise Petition No. 77/2012 27-05-2013
57 Petition No. 78/2012 : Operationalisation of Open Access in power sector as per JERC Regulations Petition No. 78/2012 30-04-2013
58 Petition No. 68/2012 : Petition for seeking approval of Application & Agreement Form (A&A) for LT/HT connections Petition No. 68/2012 17-04-2013
59 Petition No. 67/2012 : Review Petition of orders of the Commission dated 19.10.2011 and 12.12.2011 in petition no. 37/2011 for intimation regarding release of power more than 25000 KVA on 66 KV system to M/s Alok Industries Sayali. Petition No. 67/2012 06-03-2013
60 Petition No. 37/2011 : Intimation regarding release of power more than 25000 KVA on 66 KV system to M/s Alok Industries Sayali. Petition No. 37/2011 06-03-2013
61 Petition No. 68/2012 : Petition for seeking approval of Application & Agreement Form (A&A) for LT/HT connections Petition No. 68/2012 27-02-2013
62 Petition No. 87/2012 : Petition for seeking approval of Power Purchase Agreement proposed to be entered into by Electricity Department of Silvassa with EMCO Energy Ltd. Petition No. Petition No. 87/2012 19-02-2013
63 Petition No. 78/2012 : Operationalisation of Open Access in power sector as per JERC Regulations Petition No. 78/2012 19-02-2013
64 Petition No. 75/2012 : Standard of Performance (SOP) Non-submission of monthly / quarterly and annual report. Petition No. 75/2012 30-01-2013
65 Petition for seeking approval of Power Purchase Agreement proposed to be entered into by Electricity Department of Silvassa with EMCO Energy Ltd. Petition No. 87/2012 23-01-2013
66 Petition No. 67/2012 : Review Petition of orders of the Commission dated 19.10.2011 and 12.12.2011 in petition no. 37/2011 for intimation regarding release of power more than 25000 KVA on 66 KV system to M/s Alok Industries Sayali. Petition No. Petition No. 67/2012 23-01-2013
67 Petition No. 37/2011 : Intimation regarding release of power more than 25000 KVA on 66 KV system to M/s Alok Industries Sayali. Petition No. 37/2011 23-01-2013
68 Petition No. 86/2012 : True up of Annual Revenue Requirements for the year 2010-11, Reviewing Annual Revenue Requirements for the year 2011-12 and Approval of the Annual Revenue Requirements and determination of tariff for the year 2012-13 of Electricity Department - UT of Dadra and Nagar Haveli. Petition No. 86/2012 19-12-2012
69 Petition No. 37/2011 : Intimation regarding release of power more than 25000 KVA on 66 KV system to M/s Alok Industries Sayali. Petition No. 37/2011 14-12-2012
70 Petition No. 83/2011 : Discrepancy in the information submitted to the Commission & Bureau of Energy Efficiency regarding heat rate Petition No. 83/2011 14-12-2012
71 Petition No. 68/2012 : Petition for seeking approval of Application & Agreement Form (A&A) for LT/HT connections. Petition No. 68/2012 26-11-2012
72 Petition No. 81/2012 : Review of Tariff Order of FY 2011-12 of Electricity Department Dadra & Nagar Haveli to permit LT, HT and EHT- Consumers to continue to avail the connection on the basis of Bank Guarantee instead of Draft as Security Deposit. Petition No. 81/2012 11-09-2012
73 Petition No. 66/2012 : Petition for determination of Project Specific Preferential Tariff for Roof Top Solar Photo Voltaic for Sale of such power to Electricity Department, UT of Dadra & Nagar Haveli. Petition No. 66/2012 11-09-2012
74 Petition No. 11/2011 : Establishment of Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum. Petition No. 11/2011 26-06-2012
75 Petition No. 76/2012 : Loss reduction Programme Petition No. 76/2012 22-06-2012
76 Petition No. 78/2012 : Operationalization of Open Access Petition No. 78/2012 22-06-2012
77 Petition No. 77/2012 : Status of Consumer metering, Reading and Billing category wise. Petition No. 77/2012 21-06-2012
78 Petition No. 75/2012 : Standard of Performance (SOP) Non-submission of monthly /quarterly and annual report Petition No. 75/2012 21-06-2012
79 Petition No. 66/2012 : Petition for determination of Project Specific Preferential Tariff for Roof Top Solar Photo Voltaic Project for sale of such power to Electricity Department UT of Dadra & Nagar Haveli. Petition No. 66/2012 05-06-2012
80 Petition for determination of Project Specific Preferential Tariff for Roof Top Solar Photo Voltaic Project for sale of such power to Electricity Department, UT of Dadra and Nagar Haveli. Petition No. 66/2012 30-03-2012
81 Petition for determination of Project Specific Preferential Tariff for Roof Top Solar Photo Voltaic Project for sale of such power to Electricity Department UT of Dadra & Nagar Haveli Petition No. 66/2012. 13-03-2012
82 Filing of Aggregate Revenue Requirement (ARR) and Tariff Proposal for FY 2012-13. Petition No. 62/2012 13-03-2012
83 Filing of Aggregate Revenue Requirement (ARR) and Tariff Proposal for FY 2011-12 Petition No. 32/2011 13-03-2012
84 Aggregate Revenue Requirement (ARR) and Tariff Petition for FY 2011-12 under Section 61, 62 & 64 of the Electricity Act,2003 byElectricity Department, Dadra & Nagar Haveli.. Petition No. 32/2011 07-03-2012
85 Petition No. 62/2012: Approval of Aggregate Revenue Requirement for Tariff Proposal for the FY 2012-13 Petition No. 62/2012 17-01-2012
86 Petition No. 11/2011: Establishment of Consumer Grievance Redressal Forums Compliance of Order dated 9.10.2009 of the Hon'ble Appellate Tribunal for Electricity Petition No. 11/2011 18-10-2011
87 Petition No. 38/2011: Approval for opening of the Financial bid of Single Qualified Bidder for the procurement of 200 MW power on long term basis as per case-1 bidding guidelines of Ministry of Power under Section 3.4.1 of the RFP standard bidding guide lines. Petition No. 38/2011 14-09-2011
88 Petition No. 37/2011: Intimation regarding release of power more than 25000 KVA on 66 KV system to M/s Alok Industries Sayali till the installation work of 220 KV switching station is completed. Petition No. 37/2011 14-09-2011
89 Petition No. 38/2011: Approval for opening of the Financial bid of Single Qualified Bidder for the procurement of 200 MW power on long term basis as per case -I bidding guidelines of Ministry of Power under Section 3.4.1 of the REP standard biddding guidelines Petition No. 38/2011 14-09-2011
90 Petition No. 11/2010:Establishment of Consumer Grievance Redressal Forums Compliance of Order dated 9.10.2009 of the Hon’ble Appellate Tribunal for Electricity. Petition No. 11/2010 23-08-2011
91 Petition No. 37/2011: Intimation regarding release of power more than 25000KVA on 66 KV system to M/s Alok Industries Sayali till the installation work of 220 KV switching station is completed Petition No. 37/2011 14-07-2011
92 Petition No. 11/2010 : Establishment of Consumer Grievance Redressal Forums Compliance of Order dated 9.10.2009 of the Hon'ble Appellate Tribunal for Electricity. Petition No. 11/2010 08-07-2011
93 Petition No. 23/2011:Designation of agency as State Agency for accreditation and recommending the renewable energy projects for registration. Compliance of regulation 3.1 of the JERC (Procurement of Renewable Energy) Regulations, 2010. Petition No. 23/2011 15-04-2011
94 Petition No. 32/2011: Annual Revenue Requirement (ARR) and Tariff Petition for FY 2011-12 under Section 61,62 & 64 of the Electricity Act, 2003 by Electricity Department Dadra & Nagar Haveli Petition No. 32/2011 05-04-2011
95 Petition No. 27/2011: ARR & Tariff Petition of ED-DNH for the year 2010-11 regarding filing of Action Taken Report by 31-12-2010 Petition No. 27/2011 10-03-2011
96 Filing of the Tariff Petition for the FY 2011 - 12 Compliance of JERC for the State of Goa and UTs (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff) Regulations, 2009. Petition No. 22/2010 09-02-2011
97 Petition for condonation of delay in filing the ARR Petition of UT of Dadra & Nagar Haveli for the FY 2011-12 Petition No. 21/ 2010 24-01-2011
98 Filing of Aggregate Revenue Requirement (ARR) for the FY 10-11 under section 62 and 86 of the Electricity Act, 2003 Petition No. 14/2010 14-06-2010
99 Petition for Approval of Annual Revenue Requirement (ARR) and Tariff Proposal for FY 2009-10 for Union Territory of Dadra & Nagar Haveli under sectiion 61,62 and 64 of The Electricity Act 2003 Petition No. 10 /2009 23-02-2010
100 Issuing No Objection Certificate (NOC)/permission for use of short term open access for wheeling/purchase of power Petition No. 08/2009 05-01-2010